Michael Graf Full Stack Engineer

About Me Projects

My Expertise

With over three years of professional experience in Software Engineering and two years in networking I consider myself well rounded and humbled.


I stick close to the Bootstrap framework using Javascript and SASS to really set my projects apart.


The vast majority of my projects are powered by Ruby on Rails, or a think web application library such as Sinatra.


I've deployed my projects to EC2, Heroku, and EBS which have all been served by NGINX. I'm most familiar with PostgreSQL.

My Professional Portfolio

Available Here.

Featured Hacks

I'll take two. (Supreme Automation)
  • ruby, selenium, postgres, automation
  • A simple bot using Watir (stripped-down Selenium) and Ruby to purchase clothes as soon as they're released. Spoofs user agents and inserts random delays (clicks).

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    Free Parking.
    • ruby, algorithms, research

    A simple ruby script using modulo to determine the check digit for a barcode for a parking garage. In theory, this allows the creation of free parking passes. * For educational purposes only.

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